Saturday 14 May 2011


Sorry I haven't updated all week, invisible readers. I've been really tired. I'm really busy with school and extracurricular activities, and I've been sleeping pretty badly ever since the school year started in February. Not horribly, but not very well. To top that off my teachers have decided now is the time to dump a crapload of assignments on me, and I'm in the school musical which we've been performing every night since Tuesday. We have two performances today, an afternoon one and a night one. Then it's all over, and if I didn't have three essays to write before Tuesday morning I would sleep all of Sunday.

On an unrelated note, my cat has decided one of the shelves in my wardrobe is his new hidey hole. Which is cute, but I have to check if he's there before I shut the cupboard door at night (which I always do. The residue of an intense childhood fear there might be monsters in there.) otherwise he scratches at the door when he wants to get out and scares the ever-lovin' fuck out of me.

My glasses (yes, the one's I'm wearing in the my profile picture) have broken. It's fixable, one of the screws just fell apart, but for now I'm wearing contacts, which despite my most valiant efforts, I have never been able to get used to. Sigh. They're gonna be fixed by Monday, thank god, since I've been without them for five days now and I keep reflexively reaching up to adjust them and they aren't there.

Besides all that, life's pretty good. See you all in two days for Kitten Monday, I guess.

Ciao for now,

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