Monday 3 October 2011

Kitten Monday #15

I've made a few discoveries about the weird black stuff I've been throwing up and a few other things that I'd actually forgotten about, but first, KITTENS.

Hehehe, awwww. Looking up these pictures always brings a smile to my face.

So, I had a look around some of the blogs for stuff on this weird black vomit and lo and behold I found some stuff.

This post from the blog The London Librarian is some actual scientific research on the "Substance". Apparently the best course of action is to burn it, which I have done. I didn't notice any explosive reaction when it came into contact with water though.

This post from the blog Exilis Veritas is some further research on the Substance, It, and some people called Proxies. I decided to read the blog's timeline (which is a supercondensed version of the blog and the other blogs associated with it, which is good since there is another blog you need to read to have any idea what's going on starting from about February onwards) to see if it had any other info and I discovered several things

1) The authors live in the same country- the same CITY, even- as me. This was kinda exciting for a while because they're veterans, they'd know what to do, they'd be able to help me, but (spoilers!) two are mindwiped, a third is dead, and another is...unaccounted for.
2) The blog, in the last couple of months, uses the phrase "try to believe" (which I got a note saying a little while ago) quite heavily. The one remaining blogger is a guy who apparently has the means to wipe minds. I'm going to really be on the lookout for guys in weird masks from now on.

Sigh. Is it a sign of how bizarre my life has become that I'm actually not too phased by all this?

Ciao for now,

[Edit: Tiktok really doesn't like it when you sing Ke$ha at her.]


  1. Yeah, Proxies can get pretty violent so I suggest you have a weapon of some sort on hand. I do have a spare taser on hand if you'd like it.

  2. Hmm...actually I might have missed something (highly likely) but I might take up Ava's idea of this Slendergoop to make some weapons. Now how to go about getting some...

  3. Unless you can somehow get that taser to New Zealand AND convince me to give someone I met on the internet my actual location, that idea's out. I haven't actually met any proxies, just weird alternate personalities created by Waking.

    And I'm not sure if weaponising Substance against It would be a good idea...

  4. Good point...postage would be a pain in the arse for me...

    And I think weaponizing it could work. It's said to be highly flamable so (in theory) you could just throw that stuff on a Proxy, throw a match or lighter or any other short of flame or spark and you got yourself a Proxy Flambe!

  5. You are right to be on the lookout for Proxies. Do not engage them. They are very dangerous. Be careful around Tiktok, as well. While she seems more or less harmless at the moment, It could change that in a heartbeat.

    As for the Substance, if burning it works, keep on with that. Why mess with something that's working, right?

  6. What's perplexing me at the moment is that Penny and I can both Wake, but Penny's Waking causes her to become Tiktok, whereas I remain myself when I Wake.

  7. These are only shot-in-the dark guesses but I'd that it's because either Penny has been suffering from this a lot longer than you or you aren't not as mental vulnerable (no offense to Penny).

  8. Raggedyman is most likely correct. Penny's level of mental deterioration most likely indicates that It has been in her life for far longer than in yours.

    That said, it should go without saying that if you don't get ahead of this somehow, you could very well end up like Penny/Tiktok. Perhaps contacting others who are in the same position could yield some answers.

    Whatever your next step is, be safe, Ary.
