Wednesday 24 August 2011

Kitten Monday #12

Kitten Monday keeps being late. Why don't I just make it Kitten Wednesday or something and have done with it? Jeez.

Here, have some kitten pictures. Gifs this time, to make up for the lack of a Kitten Monday last week and the lateness of this one.

In other news, the reason for this entry's lateness- while I was writing the post that was originally going to be this week's Kitten Monday, I was also conducting an experiment with Penny. Tiktok has this thing for destroying anything that makes a ticking noise, but we've never actually seen her do it, so I had Penny over for a study session after school on Monday and assembled an assortment of cheap shitty analogue clocks I got at a dollar store, a metronome, and a tape of a ticking noise. My transcript of her response:

(I leave Penny next to the clocks and metronome, place the tape in my antiquated CD player and start it.)

A: Ready to go?

P: Yup...

(Silence for about five minutes. Penny picks a up a clock.)

A: What're you doing?

P: Time's wrong.

A: Yeah, they're all wrong, I couldn't be bothered setting them all.

(P nods and keeps fiddling with the clock)

P: The time's still wrong...

A: Well, fix it.

P: I can't.

A: Why not? It's 5.17 if you want the time.

P: It's wrong.

A: Yeah, my watch is fast, so it's really closer to 5.15.

P: (prises the back off the clock and begins pulling it apart) That's wrong, too.

A: ...maybe 5.14?

P: *visibly agitated, keeps pulling the clock apart* What am I thinking? Time's irrelevant, now. Not matter what time it is, there still isn't enough time left.

A: Enough time left to what?

P: *finishes dismantling the clock, moves onto another* Time waits for no one, Ariadne. You need to wake up soon. You've wasted enough time asleep.

A: I'm awake.

P: *discards second clock, half-dismantled, and picks up a third, absentmindedly fiddling with the hands* You're awake, but you haven't woken up, and you need to. There isn't much time left, and if you're asleep when it runs out...

A: What will happen?

P: He's already in your head, Ary. *puts down clock, removed tape from player and begins to pull it apart* You need to get out of the nightmare before it leaks out into the waking world, too. Tick, tock, time is running out.

A: can I wake up?

P: I would have told you myself if I could.

A: Okay, well, thanks for the help.

P: Help with what?

A: You know, that whole explaining why you're talking about time thing.

P: ...what? I don't remember...

A: Well, shit a brick.

In short, I had a conversation with Tiktok, who apart from being fucking cryptic and unnaturally calm, is almost indistinguishable from my best friend. Great, just great. At least things are a little clearer now...barely.

Ciao for now, 


  1. Would it be possible to set up another... encounter, so to speak, and record it? Perhaps a fresh set of eyes or two would be able to pick up on something useful about TikTok.

    A lot of people say the most when not saying anything at all.

  2. well, we'll try, but ariadne isn't at school today and she isn't answering her phone, which is worrying. she promised she'd upload kitten monday TODAY and she is generally pretty good at keeping her word...i think tiktok's not pleased, i keep losing time which is a bad sign.

    looking over the earlier transcript, i can't help but wonder if she's woken up, whatever that means..

    i'll call her again at lunchtime and i'll try and visit her after school...i'm really worried about her now!!

  3. Penny, you need to get in contact with Ariadne. She could be in real danger. But protect yourself, too. Be smart, be wary, be careful. You are not alone.

    TikTok, if you read this.... you are not alone, either. Ariadne and Penny will help you, if you let them. Do not give in. Let them, and everyone reading, help you fight this off.

    There is still time left. Take care.

  4. I'm okay. I'm okay. Ish. I hate my life and my head feels like somebody's run over it with a motorbike, but I'm alive.


  5. Glad to hear you're okay-ish. Really.

    Did you lose time? Or was this more a run-of-the-mill cold or flu thing?

  6. Kind of both. I'm home with the flu, I was writing up a kitten monday and then I passed out and woke up lying on the floor beside my desk with smudged ink on my arms. Thankfully it's winter so I could hide it with my sleeves until I could wash it off.


  7. Well, regardless of what caused that, I hope you feel better. Take care, my dear.
