Thursday, 2 June 2011

What the hell?

Okay, so yesterday I got a weird comment on this weeks Kitten Monday from somebody called Tiktok. So I went and I took a look at the blog and the only post there was this one, dated a few weeks ago. What's confusing is that it's obviously not the first post. It's totally out of context.

I've decided to try an experiment. Something to figure out if I'm just being paranoid or if there's something going on once and for all. I'm going to film myself sleeping and see what happens. Wish me luck!

In other, sillier news, I was doing my Classics homework last night and without warning one of my cats shoots into the room, skids to a halt just short of hitting the wall, gives me a might funny look and then runs out into the hall and tries to run out the front door, which is shut.

My reaction:

If that gif doesn't move I will kill something with a tray.


  1. No such thing as a failed experiment. Everything gets results. Good luck.

    And yes, it moves.

  2. When I initially posted it it did not move and I was displeased :/

    Well, I guess for better or for worse if I go ahead with this experiment, I'll know for sure if what I'm dealing with is just paranoia or if I have a right to worry.


  3. Always a right to worry. No reason not to. Always danger. Somewhere. Someone. Something. Paranoia good. Keeps senses sharp. Too much can kill. Balanced levels optimal.
