Monday, 30 May 2011

Kitten Monday #5

I have just realised something absolutely horrifying. A prospect so horrible it makes me ill just considering it.

...What if I run out of kitten pictures?

I think I might cry.

I keep dreaming. I wouldn't say they're scary dreams, not conventionally at least, but there's always this wrongness about them, like things aren't the way they're supposed to be. I was dreaming about being at school and my classmates and teachers looked more like living dolls than people. Just little things like that. I'm not sure what to make of it.

I keep getting the feeling I have a right to be paranoid.

Ciao for now,


  1. Kittens there are, kittens there be
    Kittens everywhere for all to see
    Paranoia's not something to fear
    Sometimes it helps you hear all you can hear

  2. I didn't mean
    To cause unrest
    I only meant
    To give my best

  3. Uh, okay. Nice of you, I guess.

  4. @Tiktok: The fuck are you on about?
