Wednesday 18 January 2012

Interesting theory

Okay, so a week or so ago JediZero over at Stella is Gone posted this really interesting theory- certainly explains why there are differences between each person's perception of the Slender man.

I would have pointed you to it, but when I'm Dreaming I'm too fucking dopey to think these things are important. I'm kinda jealous of people who Wake normally, to be honest-- I think this constant toggling between Dreaming and Waking is having side effects, as it were. I'm getting headaches like nobody's business and I can't seem to get enough sleep. At least I'm the same person whether I'm Awake or Dreaming. Except I'm stupider Dreaming, which is a little understandable because He is always there and knowing he is there but not precisely where is...well, disconcerting is the understatement of the fucking year right there.

I could climb into bed and sleep forever if it weren't for the dreams. The labyrinth. I was gonna highlight that in white (I highlighted certain words in white for a while but I got sick of it and stopped) but unless I want to get mistaken for a shitty proxy I should really be more straightforward. I didn't want to set myself apart from myself when I'm Dreaming, see, because we ARE the same person (difference: I can see Him and I swear a hell of a lot more. That is it.) and the last thing I need is a Penny/Tik-style split. But in retrospect if I'd addressed all this beforehand maybe I would be in a better situation now?

Fuck my life.



  1. A very intrigue theory indeed.

    Also, the all red text is a tad unsettling.

  2. Might I suggest trying to set up a system where Awake Ary is typing in white text, and dreaming Ary is in a different text color?

    I will agree, blood red is kind of unsettling.

  3. :I It's my favorite colour. I already do have a system- default when asleep, red when Awake. I pondered using bright red but lemme tell you, that looked even more unsettling.


    (I have yet to figure out a way to differentiate between being awake and asleep in comments. Any suggestions?)

  4. That is tricky...maybe while you're asleep you can could capitalize the comment (although it might come off as you yelling at us) or manage to capitalize the letters of your name.

  5. [Normally when I'm awake that I do the changing the letters of my name. I reckon putting myself in square brackets when I'm awake is probably the best idea and talk normally when I'm dreaming.]

  6. That works. A lot less complicated than my idea.
