Saturday, 24 September 2011

the camera doesn't lie

the camera doesn't lie

the camera doesn't lie

it's not there

it's not there.


  1. Unfortunately Ary, sometimes the camera DOES lie.

    Be wary. Be safe.

  2. I could just as easily be hallucinating- I'm not really sure what's going on with me at the moment. It's hard to discern when I'm dreaming, when I'm waking, and when I'm Waking. All I know is that normally, the Camera shows It, but last time I saw It I took a photograph and there was nothing there. I don't even know.


  3. I doubt you're hallucinating. It is crafty, and it doesn't always conform to the rules of the universe.

    Record everything, whether on film or in a journal. Always be aware of your surroundings.
    Stay away from trees and wooded areas.

    Ary, as a child, were you ever treated for paranoia or hallucinations? Did you have an imaginary friend who seemed... off? Too real? Dangerous, even? Were you ever prescribed any psychiatric medication, even for a brief time?
